What’s this? A new Bart Bonte puzzle game that’s *not* a new colour? Well, I never! With Sugar, our most productive member revisits the concept behind one of his earliest hit video games sugar, sugar (2012). In that browser video game you have to draw lines to direct falling sugar flakes into the cups. A Continue reading →
It’s been over three years since proud FLEGA member Possibly Pixels has launched its digital storybook app TaleThings. With the retelling of classic Aesop Fable The Tortoise and The Hare they have recently added a third storybook to their handcrafted digital storybook series. The classic tale of hubris joins previous stories The Raven and the Continue reading →
Battle for Donetsk, created by proud FLEGA member LuGus Studios, is a remarkable mobile game about the conflict in eastern Ukraine. The game starts off by letting players choose sides: they can play as the pro-Russian Ukrainian rebels or the government forces. What follows is an all-out military battle with a lot of violence and bloodshed. Continue reading →
Every month you can view the ranking top 20 Android games in China from Newzoo and TalkingData. The ranking gives you double information: which game has the most installs, and which has the most users? Over 700 million mobile phones and more than 50,000 apps rely on TalkingData to track and analyse users’ behaviour. The Continue reading →
After 2 years developing games for windows phones, Blugri has started to cross-over to Android and Nokia X. In their old territory they had already acquired 1.5m downloads with their games in a short period of 2 years. The company strongly believes that mobile games are the perfect way to relax and still stimulate your brain. Continue reading →