Game development never stops. And neither does VAF|GAME in supporting game developers and their wonderful projects. These are the dates to keep in mind if you want to submit a project for VAF|GAME funding in 2025. January 14th, 12 PM Artistic, Entertainment, Serious & Educational Games Creation & Promotion April 22nd, 12 PM Artistic, Entertainment, Continue reading →
Game development never stops. And neither does VAF|GAME in supporting game developers and their wonderful projects. These are the dates to keep in mind if you want to submit a project for VAF|GAME funding in 2024. January 17th, 12 PM Artistic, Entertainment, Serious & Educational Games Creation & Promotion April 30th, 12 PM Artistic, Entertainment, Continue reading →
Game development never stops. And neither does VAF|GAME in supporting game developers and their wonderful projects. These are the dates to keep in mind if you want to submit a project for VAF|GAME funding in 2023. January 24, 12 PM Artistic, Entertainment, Serious & Educational Games Creation & Promotion June 13, 12 PM Artistic, Entertainment, Continue reading →
You all know what it takes to create a great video game: talent, skills, and time. However, in order to give your talent uninterrupted time to put their skills to use, you also need money. Enter ForsVC, a new private investment fund headed up by HOWEST, Cronos, DAE Studios, and BNP Paribas Fortis with a Continue reading →
If you’re like us and you’ve been toying with the Oculus Quest for the past couple of weeks, you needn’t be convinced that virtual reality has come a long way. Exploring virtual worlds and hacking away at stuff that isn’t really there is awesome, but there’s more to extended reality than fun and games. But Continue reading →
During last week’s Media Fast Forward event, investor PMV and Flemish broadcaster VRT announced the new joint venture Media Invest Vlaanderen (link in Dutch). They mainly offer financial support for emerging media companies that want to invest in media content (of which video games are a part) or media technology. For Flemish and Brussels game studios Continue reading →