Join us for drinks June 20th, 8 PM on the Sip’n Ship boat in Ghent! Connect with fellow FLEGA members and enjoy the sunset from our party boat.
Give us an update on the state of your #belgiangamesindustry company
FLEGA has reached a milestone! For 10 years now, we’ve been representing the gamedev ecosystem in Flanders. Time for an awesome party!
You might have picked up on the news that the plans for the Flanders Game Hub have been approved and will soon touch base in Kortrijk and remotely. This brand new incubator and accelerator program will be the driving force behind a strong game sector in Flanders. Would you like to put your shoulders to Continue reading →
Register now for the final FLEGA Café of the year.
Give us an update on the state of your #belgiangamesindustry company