We feel a bit like a progressive rock act with a title like this, but hey, if there’s one groundbreaking creative force it must be our local video game developers. As promised, here’s your second batch of #BelgianGamesIndustry achievements for the week. You know what’s up when the founding father of Belgian video games Swen Continue reading →
Good news for all of you that missed one of the coziest #BelgianGamesIndustry happenings on last year’s event calendar. For reasons obvious, Meet & Build had to be skipped, but the 2021 Belgian edition is on! The way the world is right now it will be an all digital event on 27th February which means Continue reading →
Well this is a little weird. Instead of returning to our faithful spot in the business area of the Koelnmesse, the best our #BelgianGamesIndustry has to offer can be found online at devcom 2020. Before we dive into the nitty gritty of what’s going down in the next two weeks, let’s take a look at Continue reading →
The fifth edition of MEET & BUILD will take place in Charleroi on November 23 from 10.30 until 19.00. Tickets for the free gaming conference are usually gone in a flash, so if you want to attend the birthday party you’d better not sleep on it. Secure your places now! The organisation is celebrating this anniversary edition Continue reading →
It’s not because we haven’t talked up the event like previous years, that this year’s gamescom will be nothing short of amazing for the #BelgianGamesIndustry. There will be Belgian games everywhere you look, especially if you look in these places. The HQ of Belgian games activity will be, as per tradition, the Belgian booth in Continue reading →