In this series of blog posts, the tax lawyers of Mythra provide you with an overview of the existing Belgian tax incentives that you, as a game developer, could benefit from. In the previous blogs, we focused on the compensation for the transfer of copyright and the wage withholding tax, which both aim at lowering your salary Continue reading →
In this series of blog posts, the tax lawyers of Mythra provide you with an overview of the existing Belgian tax incentives that you, as a game developer, could benefit from. In the previous blog, we focused on the compensation for the transfer of copyright. Today, we focus on the wage withholding tax exemption for Research Continue reading →
As a game developer, whether you are a start-up or are already well established, your main focus is on creativity: bringing the best game experience to the public. The tax implications (and potential tax incentives) are the least of your concerns. Creativity is important, but as a game developer you are also an entrepreneur. As Continue reading →
This Wednesday attorneys François Coppens and Johan Vandendriessche, specialized in audio visual content and gaming, talked about intellectual property rights and (international) contracts at our FLEGA Afternoon Café. In case you missed it (which is a shame really) you can check out their presentation online. On their blog they have much more information that could be of use/help. Continue reading →