The curtain is slowly closing on gamescom 2017. As the focus of the fair shifts to the entertainment area, a lot of trade visitors have already packed their backs. While there are still a lot of Belgians strutting their stuff on the consumer floor, we can safely say the ever growing Belgian games industry can Continue reading →
We’re back from Gamescom and we couldn’t be happier with the results of our presence this year! The Belgian Pavilion was visited by a large number of interested parties, which led to some great networking opportunities and ample attention from both the specialised gaming and mainstream press. Be sure to check out these wonderful articles Continue reading →
Congratulations to FLEGA member PreviewLabs! Financial newspaper De Tijd published an article recently entitled “Game Studios Have a Laboratory in Wetteren”. The article talks about rapid prototyping, stating: “The word ‘rapid’ can be taken literally. The development of the prototypes usually only takes a couple of man-days, and typically costs a few thousand euros. In Continue reading →