Well this is a little weird. Instead of returning to our faithful spot in the business area of the Koelnmesse, the best our #BelgianGamesIndustry has to offer can be found online at devcom 2020. Before we dive into the nitty gritty of what’s going down in the next two weeks, let’s take a look at Continue reading →
Last year we started compiling data about the #BelgianGamesIndustry in a state of industry report, which led to some interesting insights. To keep track of where we’re headed as an industry, we’d like to ask you some questions once again. Some questions (for instance about the coronavirus) were added left and right, but the bottom Continue reading →
It’s going to be a different gamescom this year. The world’s grandest stage to showcase new and upcoming games has been physically torn down by COVID-19. While it will be difficult to recreate the unique Cologne experience, here’s 3 digital alternatives to replace your physical gamescom attendance come August. We hope loads of local talent Continue reading →