Welcome to another blog version of the Game for Thought series (GFT), this is a written recap of Howest DAE’s livestream series that tackles ethically-relevant topics in the games industry and explores the impact & implications of industry developments. Reason enough for us, here at FLEGA, to communicate these topics and challenges as widely as Continue reading →
Welcome to another blog version of the Game for Thought series (GFT), this is a written recap of Howest DAE’s livestream series that tackles ethically-relevant topics in the games industry and explores the impact & implications of industry developments. Reason enough for us, here at FLEGA, to communicate these topics and challenges as widely as Continue reading →
Welcome to another blog version of the Game for Thought series (GFT), this is a written recap of Howest DAE’s livestream series that tackles ethically-relevant topics in the games industry and explores the impact & implications of industry developments. Reason enough for us, here at FLEGA, to communicate these topics and challenges as widely as Continue reading →
Welcome to the 2nd blog version of the Game for Thought series (GFT), this is a written recap of Howest DAE’s live stream series that tackles ethically-relevant topics in the games industry and explores the impact & implications of industry developments. Reason enough for us, here at FLEGA, to communicate these topics and challenges as Continue reading →
Welcome to the very first blog version of the Game for Thought series (GFT). For those of you who aren’t familiar with it yet: Game For Thought (GFT) is a livestream series launched by Howest – Digital Arts and Entertainment (DAE) in collaboration with local medialab Quindo and sponsored by Vlaams Audiovisueel Fonds (VAF), it Continue reading →
As the games industry keeps rapidly growing, so does its social responsibility. It’s not just about making pretty games that are fun to play. Video games are able to affect the way people look at the world and game makers shouldn’t be blind to cultural evolutions when crafting their games. DAE’s newest livestream series Game Continue reading →