Whether it’s on this blog or through our social media channels, we can’t seem to shut up about the #BelgianGamesIndustry. It’s bubbling. It’s maturing. It’s growing. You know the mantra. On the other hand, we spend very little time explaining what working in our local industry is like. Who are the people behind these games? Continue reading →
Code City is an initiative of Digipolis and the City of Ghent to introduce children aged 10-12 to coding. From February til May the Code City coaches will travel around the primary schools in Ghent to give a CodeUur, a one hour crash course into the basics of programming. The program is still looking to Continue reading →
From November 25th until November 27th The Hotel in Brussels hosts the 14th annual European GAMEON Conference (GAMEON 2013) on Simulation and AI in Computer Games. The aim is to bring together researchers and games people in order to exchange ideas on programming techniques. Secondly GAMEON aims to steer young people into this industry by providing Continue reading →