What are ghosts, anyway? For one person it’s a floating white sheet creeping through a castle hallway, for another it might be a string of memories, unfulfilled desires or unprocessed regrets desperately clinging on to our physical world. Both can be scary, on vastly different levels. Whatever your interpretation and fear level of the ethereal, Continue reading →
This weekend, like Charlie co-founder Dagmar Blommaert will be giving a talk at Game Happens, taking place from November 8 – 10 in Genova, Italy. Game Happens is an international festival dedicated to the cultural, political, and social impact of video games. She will debut her talk “Why Video Games Are The Perfect Medium To Continue reading →
Before we start gearing up for gamescom (more on that next week), as previously announced, join us for a final cross-country tour of #BelgianGamesIndustry achievements we weren’t able to catch the first time around. Let’s start off with BIG news. Literally, as Marie’s Room by FLEGA member like Charlie has won the BIG Impact: Social Continue reading →
From releasing an after hours passion project to starting their own brand new game studio: 2018 was a rollercoaster for the founders of like Charlie. Here’s the story of how one of the newest faces on the Flemish game scene came to be. While both working at Die Keure, writer Dagmar Blommaert and 3D artist Continue reading →
This morning, white smoke started to erupt from the room where the Belgian Game Awards jury was locked up weeks ago. This could only mean one thing: habemus nominees! It was either that or someone had suffered spontaneous combustion at the mere sight of all the great games that entered. But as all six judges Continue reading →
Marie’s Room, a short story exploration game created by Belgian indie developer Kenny Guillaume and his team of (mainly) Belgian freelancers, has taken the Steam charts by storm. A week after release, the game sits at number 10 of best reviewed games on Steam in 2018 – with 95% of close to 1000 player reviews Continue reading →