Great news from proud FLEGA member and member of the board LuGus Studios. With Liftoff 0.4.2 they just got their 20th update out the door. Since the first Early Access update was released 30 weeks ago, they have managed to get an update out every week and a half. On top of that LuGus Studios Continue reading →
In case you missed it, GriN’s new hack’n’slash game Woolfe was featured in the Microsoft Xbox E3 press conference, yesterday in the Galen Center, Los Angeles. During a trailer showcasing indie games coming to Xbox One in 2015, Woolfe was clearly featured. Congrats to the Woolfe team in Antwerp! We look forward to the official Continue reading →
FLEGA founding member Larian Studios has pushed a massive update for their Divinity Original Sin game. For those who have been living under a rock, this is the game which raised $ 944,282 on Kickstarter. The Early Access game on Steam has been upgraded with loads of new skills, new talents, new worlds and areas to Continue reading →
FLEGA co-founding member GriN is working on a new game project called Woolfe. You can check out the first gameplay trailer right here. The game is expected to launch in 2014 and is partially funded by the VAF Gamefonds. If you want to stay up to date about the project, type in your email address on Continue reading →