eXiin is a two men team consisting of Seb Le touze (founder) and Sam Arslan Megidov (co-founder). Each of them used to be an independent developer, making complete games from scratch, while covering all domains, from art to music, from web development to marketing and from making game engines to making games.
In the past they used to focus their attention on web-based and social games, but as their knowledge grew throughout the years, they gradually moved towards new emerging platforms. Since their re-opening in 2015, their main goal is to continue making games that they would love to play themselves.
Last month, they released their newest game AfterLoop, a mobile/tablet/Apple TV game that lets you play as PR8, a cute utility robot that has been stuck in a loop for over 50 years (yes, Wall-e comes to mind) and needs to find its way out of a wide range of challenging puzzles filled with all kinds of traps and intricate mysteries. You can download the game now on the App Store!