Bluestrike is a freelancer who has been working on his own standalone games. One of these games is called Spheritis (previously known as Ballitis), a puzzle game in which you control a ball and have to escape a deadly labyrinth. In each level you need to push all the required buttons to unlock the gate to the next level.
But it is more than that really, because each button is protected by traps and crafty puzzles which you have to solve before the timer hits zero. The pressure is on! Escape from each room, only to find yourself in a new one with more difficult puzzles and lethal hazards until you can finally find your way to safety after completing all 12 levels.
The game is built in Unity and will support PC, Linux and Mac. The player can operate 8 different ball types and obtain 5 upgrades. This title has been on Greenlight for a while now and Bluestrike is still hoping to get it greenlit. Help this talented freelance-developer make his dream come true and vote Spheritis for Greenlight.
Also make sure to check out the Half-Life 2 game mod which Bluestrike made and which has already been green lit.