Greygin, a new company founded by DAE veterans Brecht Kets and Mike Ptacek, has secured its place in the imec.istart program. Their online safety training platform Play it Safe was recently selected as one of the new projects that will be able to take advantage of the coaching and networking expertise that also gave Graphine a nudge in the right direction.
Over the past few years, the two senior DAE lecturers worked respectively as managing and creative director of proud FLEGA member DAE Studios, where they oversaw the creation of quirky mobile games as well as a ton of interactive visualisations and gamification projects. Greygin is the first spin-out company of DAE Studios and will be managed by the same team.
Play it Safe is an online platform for safety training. As studies have shown, classical learning or even traditional e-learning methods do not have a high return. In some cases, people even appear to know less after training sessions than before. Learning through playing games guarantees better results as the employee is encouraged to actively participate in the learning process. By interacting with the learning material, an employee will be able to store the information more rapidly.
The platform also makes it easy for managers to follow up on the progress their employees make and can easily identify knowledge problems. When there’s a need for a more targeted training, managers are saved the hassle of rounding up all their staff for a classical training. As the training programs are available 24/7 through a web browser or on a mobile device, every employee can train when (s)he chooses to, whether that’s on his way to the job or during a meeting (s)he feels (s)he really shouldn’t be in (don’t we all?).
Best of luck to the developers behind the project. May the world become a safer place thanks to the power of video games!