Chaotic Fusion are a team of four game developers from around the world, who met through their shared passion for the Tex Murphy adventure games. One of these avid fans is fellow countrywoman Karen Corthouts and we’re very glad that through this Belgian link the team decided to join the ever growing FLEGA family.
For those of you unfamiliar with the franchise: Tex Murphy is a series of FMV adventure games from the nineties that star private investigator Tex Murphy. Even though he has a classic noir detective attitude (and wardrobe), the game’s story takes place in 2050. A post apocalyptic world has risen from the ashes of World War III and stands divided. New San Francisco sits atop the rubble of the old city. Just outside the new city lies Old San Francisco, a vastly ignored reminder of a dark past, and home to the mutant population, and Tex himself.
Corthouts was one of the developers recruited by game designer Holger Kreez. During the Kickstarter campaign of the Tex Murphy reboot Tesla Effect: A Tex Murphy Adventure, he thought it would be a great idea if someone where to recreate the older games using modern technology. With the support of original developers Big Finish Games, Chaotic Fusion are currently working on The Poisoned Pawn: A Tex Murphy Adventure, a retelling of Tex Murphy: Overseer, where Corthouts is responsible for 3D modelling and 2D art.
Just like the kickstarted Tesla Effect, the game will be a mix of FMV scenes that advance the story, and first-person exploration and puzzle solving. Along with all the original cinematics, puzzles, conversations, story and settings, The Poisoned Pawn will feature new and expanded settings, brand new puzzles and even more immersive gameplay.
The project seems to be coming together nicely and is aiming for a February 2018 release. Check out the latest trailer or follow them on Twitter to get the latest updates on the game.