Avast ye landlubbers! Let’s crack open a parrot and start talking like a bottle of rum for it’s time to welcome a new member to the ever growing FLEGA family. Get Up Games is an indie studio based in Waarschoot currently working on the pirate battle royale game Blazing Sails, which gives us an excuse to randomly shout “arrrrrr” and blame typos on pirate lingo.
As many important historians have said, pirates and battle royale video games are among the best things ever. So when cousins Christophe, Gaetan and Frederic came up with the mad idea to combine the two, the universe came dangerously close to collapse. Since starting Get Up Games, the DAE alumni were joined by another cousin (pirate families sure are big) Gauthier to help commercialise the project.
In true pirate captain fashion, the studio has lofty ambitions. In Blazing Sails you’ll get to create your own unique pirate and ship. Pirates thrive when in group so you’ll need to work together with other sea dogs to manoeuvre your mighty vessel to victory. When not blasting the living daylight out of an opponent’s hull, you’ll go ashore to find loot, resources and upgrades to make your pirate crew even more fierce, and give you a better chance at sending your rivals to Davy Jones’ locker once and for all. Well, at least until the inevitable rematch.
Fans can follow development through a transparant Trello board. Anyone on their Discord can get a free alpha code so they can dive in and start playing the game. The approach seems to be working for the young team, as they’ve recently partnered up publisher Iceberg Interactive to bring Blazing Sails to Steam Early Access early next year. In the meantime, you can follow them on Twitter, join their Discord, or walk the plank. Your choice!