Have you heard of Control yet? You certainly should have, because it’s the biggest game development community platform in the Benelux, responsible for Control Magazine (a print magazine), Control-online.nl (their digital home), Control500 (an international game development website), GameJobs.eu (a website dedicated fully to jobs within the games industry), internships.ctrl500.com (internships for students) and Control Conference (a big annual conference about game development, in cooperation with ImproVive).
Control was founded nine years ago by Matthijs Dierckx (former publisher) and Eric Bartelson (former editor-in-chief), as a print magazine for the Dutch games industry. Throughout the years many new events arose from the magazine like the annual Control Industry Dinner and the bimonthly Control Gamelab, which ran from 2011 to 2013. In recent years the focus has shifted towards the various news sites, the job portal and especially Control Conference.
At the beginning of this year Alessandra Otterlo became the new owner and ‘showrunner’ of all activities of Control. Otterlo is certainly no stranger to the Dutch games industry. She has worked for companies and institutions like Playlogic, RANJ, the NLGD, the DGA and Palandin Studios. She was also involved in the creation of Control from the very beginning, so she knows all the ins and outs. In February she and her team launched the new style of Control, with very clear categories like News, Events, Out now! and many more (link in Dutch only).
Hot tip: Do you have something interesting to share with the editors of Control like the release of your newest game, a blogpost you want to share, an event everybody should know about … If so, we have some great news for you! You can fill out this Google Form to let them know they are missing out on a hot game related topic. Go ahead, don’t be shy!