You can now download all the presentations on funding that were given at our FLEGA Café on May 17. Our speakers answered some interesting questions like: How to best approach business angels and corporate investors? What if tax shelter would exist for our industry? How to apply for a project subsidy? How to secure a loan from a bank?
We would like to say a big thank you to all of the speakers (Kris Leys, Vincent Vandevoorde, Genevieve Van Assche, Patrick Verjans, Jeroen Michielsen, Marie Delbeke and Karen Van Hellemont), the people who attended the event and of course Hello bank! and Co.Station, that helped make this edition of FLEGA Café possible. Please enjoy the pictures below and see you on June 14 for our next FLEGA Café in association with FlandersDC and Startupsbe.