It was nice while it lasted (and it lasted significantly longer this year), but it looks like summer is slowly on its way out. To catch some more sunshine, you’ll soon have to travel south, to Italy for instance. Plan a trip in the last week of October, and you’ll even get the chance to check out VIEW Conference.
Italy’s renowned VIEW Conference is taking place from October 25 until October 28 in the centre of Turin, Italy. Just a quick glimpse at the program is enough to know you’re in for four exciting days of talks, workshops, panel discussions and interactive sessions.
While VIEW has to divide conference rooms and expo halls between animation, visual effects, digital design, virtual reality and gaming, there’s plenty on offer for gaming studios. There’s a bootcamp where you can work on your investor pitch alongside veteran industry professionals, and the expo floor will be buzzing with representatives from industry leaders.
There’s also a lot of interesting gaming talks and panels by, among others, Sjoerd De Jong (Epic Games), Adam Orth (ex-Microsoft, Three One Zero), Siobhan Reddy (Media Molecule), Barry Meade (Fireproof Studios) and Kevin Lin (Twitch). You’re also allowed to geek out during a talk by Industrial Lights & Magic on the visual effects of Star Wars: The Force Awakens.
Tickets are this way. Oh, and don’t forget to book your flight!