Exciting times for Haunted Tie. The winners of the e-Lotto Fresh Talent Prize at the Belgian Game Awards 16 have put that prize money to good use as tomorrow marks the launch of their debut title Domiverse. Give your fingers a proper warm-up, invite some friends over and order a mountain of pizza, because there’s always time for one more round in this frantic 4 player local multiplayer brawler.
Enter the arena as a pissed off starfish, a laser-shooting sausage or the cross-over between a snake and a cat and battle your friends in super short and intense one-hit-kill matches in 3 different modes. Each character has a crazy special ability which makes fights a bit unfair, so it’s all about being a bit more unfair than your friends. You could also occasionally smash them (genty) over the head in real life, as Domiverse is best enjoyed with four players in front of the tv, shouting mild obscenities at each other.
If you don’t like people or you’re not in the habit of sharing pizza with anyone but your stomach, the game also offers single player arcade and challenge modes. By completing these you’ll be able to unlock the backstories of the fighters and like all good games centering around a fictional fighting tournament they won’t make any sense at all.
It doesn’t matter though. As shown at the Domiverse pre-launch party yesterday at BROTARU Domiverse is at its best with four players in front of the same screen, shouting mild obscenities at each other. If this sounds like your jam, you can pick up Domiverse on Steam tomorrow. Have fun!