As the saying goes: a good neighbour is worth more than a distant friend. Even in times of internet communication, it’s a good idea to get to know your neighbours and maintain a good relationship with them.
With that goal in mind, the Creative Europe Desks from Flanders, The Netherlands and North Rhine-Westphalia invite you to a business card speed dating session at Gamescom to get to know your Dutch, Belgian and German neighbours. A number of potential financiers will also be attending.
So would you like to know what game developers from your neighbouring countries are up to? What kind of games they make and how they are able to finance and distribute their work? Come and meet them on Wednesday August 17 at 10.00 AM at the NRW-stand, hosted by Medienland NRW.
Places are limited, so please sign up by sending an email to Delphine Dumon, including your company profile (max. 600 characters).