You may have a good idea to create a digital, interactive book but you don’t have the necessary connections, technological expertise, commercial strategy… Grow your idea to an achievable and tight project at BOOK LAB and you could win 10.000 euro.
BOOK LAB is a three day hands-on development LAB to develop your innovative book idea or project. During three inspiring and instructive days you will be guided by professional experts from the digital and book sector. You will build your digital idea to a technically strong concept, supported by a tight business model and distribution strategy, ready for production.
Pitch your idea at BOOK LAB – development LAB and you could win 10.000 euro to develop your project.
Register your idea before March 24, including a short bio, motivation and a description of your idea. 10 registrations will be selected to pitch their idea to a jury. After this pitch, 5 projects will be selected to attend BOOK LAB and develop their idea. Good luck!