Sofie is a 5-year-old girl that has been diagnosed with bone cancer. To support little Sofie and her parents, their friend Tom Vergult (Terranovita) created the iOS/Android game Super Sofie (link in Dutch only). In the game Sofie uses her medication and chemo to fight off the cancer cells that have attacked her body. She turns into a real super hero, using her super powers to cure her bones.
Scientific research shows that games like Super Sofie can help patients keep up their often exhausting drug therapy. In other words: they can have a positive effect on the treatment of severe diseases like cancer. Super Sofie is a free game, but the developer kindly invites players to make a donation to the children’s cancer fund (link in Dutch only).
Tom Vergult is considering to put the project on Kickstarter to raise money for children battling cancer. He’s currently looking for cancer organisations he can collaborate with. If you work for such an organisation and are interested in helping out, please contact us at FLEGA.