We’ve all been longing for the return to San Francisco and it should finally be happening in 2022 (covid forbid). There’s no better way to celebrate the revival of the physical GDC experience than CourageXL. Sign up through this link (password: belgiumrules) for a guaranteed spot (no curation) to showcase your video game at the Continue reading →
It’s Friday night in San Francisco and this year’s GDC is slowly drawing to a close. Feet are sore, voices have vanished, beards have grown and our stack of business cards has shrunk quite a bit. But it was totally worth it. We can’t cover every exciting thing that has happened, but here are some Continue reading →
The first edition of the European Game Showcase at GDC is an event where European developers can meet press, publishers and strategic partners. It takes place between on February 28 (during GDC) at the GameSpot offices in San Francisco. The event is organised by Dajana Dimovska, Eva Gaspar, Tobias Kopka and Alessandra van Otterlo. The regions Continue reading →