You might have picked up on the news that the plans for the Flanders Game Hub have been approved and will soon touch base in Kortrijk and remotely. This brand new incubator and accelerator program will be the driving force behind a strong game sector in Flanders. Would you like to put your shoulders to Continue reading →
Updated June 8 This post contains useful information, tips and support measures regarding the coronacrisis, the effects on the #BelgianGamesIndustry and on the games industry events and deadlines calendar. We’ll update this post regularly to reflect the most recent and relevant information. Reach out to us! Of course we wish our beautiful industry will be Continue reading →
Good news for everyone who wasn’t able to attend Prepare The Fair. Okay, you missed out on a great event, but thanks to some neat video footage of the talks (in English) and interviews (in Dutch) you can at least get the feeling you were there. Check it out! We also unveiled our plans for the Continue reading →
The Frankfurt Book Fair 2016 is hosting Flanders and the Netherlands as Guests of Honour. They are inviting representatives from the publishing, cultural and creative industries (that includes game developers!) to discuss possible collaboration and co-creation projects during a B2B event on October 20 in Frankfurt, Germany. Proud FLEGA-member Happy Volcano (makers of the literary game Winter) already Continue reading →
Just like in previous years SwissNex and Flanders Investment & Trade are once again organising the exclusive match making event European Pitch Night on March 15 during the 2016 GDC week in San Francisco. The event gives you the chance to discover innovative game studios from Belgium (Wallonia & Flanders), Italy, Poland and Switzerland. This year the Belgian Continue reading →
Not many gamedevs know this, but if you are a small Flemish company that wants to export products (e.g. games) or services and explore new markets, you can apply for a grant from Flanders Investment and Trade (FIT) for certain activities. To be eligible for financial support, your company must meet several conditions (link in Dutch only). Continue reading →