When the original Space Pirate Trainer launched back in 2016, it quickly became one of the most played VR games. Its simple yet deep gameplay, level of polish and overall immersion made it one of the go-to games for companies and consumers alike to let people have a taste of the VR frontier. With the Continue reading →
What would the world look like without bees? Chances are you’ve not given this much thought, and you’re not alone. That’s a problem, because the decline of biodiversity poses a real and urgent threat to ecosystems that are vital to the survival of mankind. In order to enlighten people about this issue and show them Continue reading →
If you sometimes see a red door and you want to paint it black, but you’re worried the owners will call the police because it’s a very expensive red door, you need to keep an eye on Painting VR. Releasing today on App Lab for Oculus Quest, Ghent based developers Oisoi Studio set out to Continue reading →
There’s a lot to like about West-Flanders. World famous for historic cities like Bruges and Kortrijk, Westvleteren trappist, and the Digital Arts and Entertainment game development program, there’s also a lot of small villages in the countryside. Connected by quiet roads, roamed by nothing but tractors, there’s an authenticity to these places that’s hard to Continue reading →
Last week our proud member Triangle Factory launched the alpha version of their online multiplayer VR shooter Hyper Dash on SideQuest, a third party games platform for the Oculus Quest. Seven days later the free alpha version has been downloaded a whopping 10,000 times! With an average review score of 4,9 out of 5, it’s Continue reading →
Rapid prototyping expert and proud FLEGA member PreviewLabs has been selected by Yale University to develop smokeSCREEN VR, a serious game prototype using Oculus VR focused on e-cigarette prevention in adolescents. The goal of the prototype is to inform teenagers about potential social pressure involving vaping and to harden them against it. Part of a larger Continue reading →