For the third year in a row, a range of Flemish organisations with a heart for games are pulling their weight to get as much Flemish game developers as possible to the Game Developers Conference in San Francisco, taking place next year from March 18th until March 22nd. Preparations for the third edition of Mission Continue reading →
It has become an annual tradition: on April 23 VOV, VOCAP and PMClub are once again organising a NETHRD event (link only available in Dutch) at The Level in Kortrijk. This year VOV is taking the lead. It has chosen the introduction of serious gaming into (HR) business as the main theme for the event. The Continue reading →
A couple of FLEGA members are showcasing their games at FACTS this weekend. FACTS, which stands for Fantasy, Anime, Comics, Toys and Sci-Fi is the biggest entertainment expo in the Benelux spanning more than 20.000m3 of toys, merchandise, games, comics, dvd’s, activities, actor signing sessions, cosplay contests and loads more. Last year the show welcomed Continue reading →
A host of serious game developers will showcase their games and expertise on October 15 in the Best Western Hotel, Eupen from 15h30 until 20h00. No Power Point, no PDF, no documents, only game demos! You too can show off your games and join these fine game developers who already pledged support to the event: Belle Productions ActiveMe Continue reading →