Before our focus ultimately turns to a promising new year, let’s look back at the final months of 2017 one last time. The tail end of last year was filled to the brim with greatness from our Belgian studios, but it wasn’t all sunshine and rainbows. Let’s get the bad news out of the way Continue reading →
Our friends at The House of Indie are busy putting together the next edition of Screenshake. To amp up the excitement for the festival, they’re bringing a small taste of what to expect to the Permeke library in Antwerp next week. Under the moniker Screenshake Sidequest (link in Dutch), the hallowed hall of books will play host Continue reading →
There’s plenty of games industry events going on these days. National indie meetups here, international fairs there. Instead of hiring a part-time assistant to keep track of it all, you can use our new event calendar. Sure, it won’t bring you coffee, but at least it’s free. Next to the events we (co-)organise ourselves, we Continue reading →
Following the success of our BelgianBeerCafe at gamescom, the Belgian games industry will unite again at Gameforce. Join us on September 30 in Mechelen for a drink with Belgian games showcases, a developer roundtable and all-day Gameforce access for free. By registering for our drink, you’ll receive a ticket to visit the biggest game fair Continue reading →
In cooperation with Ghent University, Cultuurconnect and imec, De Krook library in Ghent hosts a range of talks on culture, media, entrepreneurship, education and innovation. Next Tuesday, March 28, the focus will be on the cultural value of video games. Four experts from different fields share their insights on the topic and throughout the evening Continue reading →
We’re here! It’s finally GDC time and we’re happy to see that our first Mission San Francisco has garnered a lot of enthusiasm. Even though we’re only at the start of an exciting week of inspirational talks, new technologies and intensive networking, we can already consider this mission a big success. Here’s a quick overview of Continue reading →