Starting in 2018, the resources of the VAF Game Fund are significantly increasing. Minister of Culture, Youth, Media and Brussels Sven Gatz is freeing up € 1.000.000 yearly to support the Flemish and Brussels games industry, more than doubling the current budget of around € 650.000.
Gatz motivated the great news with a short statement: “We keep investing in Flemish creativity and fiction. […] It’s a policy choice to invest more in the rapidly growing games industry. More than fifty percent of Flemish people play video games on a monthly basis. I think the Flemish games industry has an enormous growth potential and I want to support it to make sure our developers are able to keep up with the latest international developments.” Mainstream press outlets like VRTNWS also picked up on the news, including a short interview (in Dutch) with our board member Kevin Haelterman from LuGus Studios.
We’re very happy that the government has decided to extend their support for the games industry and we are more than certain that talented game developers will put the extra funds to excellent use. We’ll have more news on the contents of the renewed VAF management agreement in the near future, so stay tuned.