FLEGA is proud to announce its new board members, elected last week by the FLEGA member organizations at our very first general assembly in Mechelen.
From now on, our new board members will be guiding FLEGA in its quest to promote and support the Flemish videogames industry. Congratulations to all!
- Bernard François – Founder at PreviewLabs
- Dirk Van Welden – Founder at I-Illusions
- Nico Verplancke – Director at iMinds
- Olivier Maeterlinck – General Manager at BEA
- Rik Leenknegt – Strategic Advisor DAE
- Stefan Colins – Founder and Developer at Bazookas
- Wim Wouters – CEO, Founder and Creative Director at GriN
After the election, FLEGA presented its action plan for 2014 and 2015. Please feel free to view and/or download the general assembly presentation (including our action plan) right here.