Game development is a time consuming and costly affair. The last thing you want is someone reaping the rewards of your good ideas and hard work. Protecting your IP is paramount. And it might just net you some interesting tax benefits.
Make no mistake about it: the copycats are out there. Just ask the developers of popular mobile games Ridiculous Fishing and Threes and you’ll be instantly convinced you have to protect your IP at all costs. You’ll learn all about it at Protection@lunch, taking place on April 24 at the offices of Flanders DC in Leuven.
During the first part of the session, Veronique Pede from Cape IP Law will focus on the legal aspects of protecting your IP. She’ll share insights on how to properly protect the development of your game on different levels: name, graphic design, concept, code and content. Just as important: she’ll also provide tips on how to avoid breaching IP rights of other developers.
The second part of the session is hosted by Hendrik Putman of Mythra Advocaten, a law firm specializing in fiscality. He’ll explain how protecting your IP can have some interesting tax benefits as a result.
The event is co-organised by Flanders DC, FLEGA, Voka, VLAIO and Innovatiecentrum Vlaams-Brabant. The event is free and you can sign up here.