And now for something completely different.
Primarily known for its pristine drone simulator Liftoff, long time FLEGA benefactor LuGus Studios is heading in a very different direction for its next game. Talking with co-founder Kevin Haelterman, one of the key reasons for starting this project, which is based on an idea by ex-colleague Sam Agten, was to show his studio can make more than just really good simulation games. The other reason: the idea is just too cool not to do it.

Midnight Protocol is a tactical narrative-driven RPG and tasks the player with hacking various computer networks. Set in a near future filled with labor automation, big data, controversial AI applications, and a lot of legal gray zones, you assume the mantle of a prominent hacktivist who has been targeted for blackmail by a shadowy branch of government. Certain decisions you make while rummaging through someone’s encrypted closets will determine whether you’re a white, grey, or black hacker. This will not only grant you access to specific hacking tools, but will also steer the branching narrative and outcome of the game.
The team has closely studied fictional hacking in movies to be able to recreate the same experience while playing the game. Going by the demo we played, they absolutely nail that feeling. Sitting behind your computer, tapping away commands in the dark to outsmart security systems, or head into full-blown cyber combat with other hackers tasked to defend sensitive data, Midnight Protocol does an excellent job at simulating the hacker fantasy.

The game has recently received VAF funding and is slated for a release next year on Steam, Mac, and Linux. We can’t wait to see, hear, and play more of this exciting new project.