As you might remember, our proud nation is once again gearing up for a majestic presence at gamescom in Cologne. The Belgian games booth will be even bigger (168m²) than last year so all Belgian game companies can show the gaming world what they’re made of.
We’re nearing the end of our preview of companies that will be on show at the Belgian games booth, but we’ve got some more stories to tell. Next up is a studio that’s been going to gamescom so long it almost feels like home away from home: PreviewLabs.
For the very few that haven’t heard about them: they are a company that specialises in rapid game prototyping. They can turn your idea into a playable prototype in a very short time so you can use it to pitch to a publisher, swoon investors or just make sure the game works as well as you thought it would be on paper.
Take a look at the video below where founder and FLEGA chairman Bernard Francois explains it better than we ever could.
As you can see their clients range from from small gaming start-ups to internet giants like Amazon and Wargaming, and so gamescom is the ideal event to catch everyone at the same time. For the first time they will be in Cologne with three people, so they’re both able to have quiet meetings in the lounge area, while reaching out to future prospects from the aisle booth.
As always: a warm thank you to the wonderful people at Flanders DC, who turn gamescom into an essential experience. They couldn’t do that without the valuable support of Digital Wallonia, Brussels Invest and Export, Screen Brussels, VAF Gamefonds, WALGA, Creative Europe and ADN. Thank you all!