Even though there’s still over a month to go before the Belgian Game Awards 2020 take place as part of 1UP 2020, we’re already happy to announce that Swen Vincke will receive the very first Belgian Lifetime Achievement Award during the ceremony. The award is a celebration of the career and achievements of a game Continue reading →
Larian Studios has just announced that they are bringing their hit game Divinity: Original Sin (D:OS) to both Xbox One and PlayStation 4 soon. No small feat, but there is more, much more. They have added so many new things and improvements to this Enhanced Edition that, according to studio head Swen Vincke, you should see this Continue reading →
Congrats to Larian Studios and its CEO Swen Vincke! They received a major, Flemish cultural award for their chart topping game Divinity: Original Sin. Flemish Minister of Culture Sven Gatz handed over the award to Swen Vincke at a formal ceremony on Monday March 30. The award comes with €12.500 prize money. Minister Sven Gatz: “Swen Vincke Continue reading →
UPDATE: newspaper De Morgen picked up our story (in Dutch)! During the GDC’15 week and at the eve of the Euro Pitch Night in San Francisco, we at FLEGA are proud to annouce the 2015 release of multiple high profile titles, developed in the region of Flanders (the Dutch speaking part of Belgium). Check Continue reading →
Larian’s Divinity: Original Sin has been nominated in the RPG category of the 2014 Video Game Awards! The succesful game stands shoulder to shoulder next to big triple AAA releases such as Dark Souls II, Dragon Age: Inquisition and South Park: The Stick of Truth. The 2014 Video Game Awards will take place Friday, December Continue reading →
Last night’s FLEGA Café @ Larian was a great success! Founder and CEO of Larian Studios, Swen Vincke, took us on a tour of the Larian offices and shared his Divinity: Original Sin story. He told the 40+ crowd that the Larian success is mostly due to very, very hard work, clever PR strategy and genuine community Continue reading →