MCV has published a fascinating fact file on the games industry in The Netherlands on its website. For your convenience we have summarised the article in a few bullet points: The Netherlands is the 16th largest games industry in the world, generating a total revenue of $433.2 million (€394,27 million) last year (source: research firm Continue reading →
We all know the Dutch can learn a few things from us, but we sure can learn from them too. Check out GameOn for example, an investment program to accelerate the growth of one of the fastest growing media sectors worldwide: the online and mobile games industry. GameOn is a group of successful, passionate Dutch entrepreneurs – Continue reading →
Global crowdfunding platform Kickstarter has announced they are opening up their rewards based platform to creators based in Holland in the near future. The US based company has steadily expanded their global reach having already announced their official presence in multiple countries. Their first push outside the US was into the UK in 2012. This Continue reading →