Quick riddle: what’s green and won a Webby Award? You don’t know? Here’s a hint: it’s green. No, you don’t get it. It’s GREEN and it won a Webby Award. GREEN!
Our proud member Bart Bonte snagged one of the “highest honours of the Internet” (that’s according to The New York Times) yesterday. His puzzle game GREEN collected enough votes to win the People’s Voice Webby Award for Best Puzzle and Trivia Game.
The crafty puzzle game is the fifth entry in his colourful puzzle series, where the goal is to turn your screen completely into a single colour in a number of innovative ways. Figuring out the rules to solve each of the 50 different puzzles is perhaps even more satisfying than actually executing the solution on the touch screen. It makes for an intelligent puzzle series with intuitive controls that perfectly walk a fine line between challenge and accessibility.
It’s been a busy couple of weeks for the solo developer. Earlier this month he released The Bart Bonte collection on Steam and itch.io. As Flash is officially kicking the final bucket in July, a lot of his early browser games would’ve no longer been playable. Reason enough to repackage and remaster no less than 28 browser puzzle classics, including fan favourites Sugar Sugar and Factory Balls. And yes, the collection also includes Yellow, the colour that first kicked off the succesful series back in 2017.
Congratulations with both the release and win, Bart. Hope you don’t run out of colours soon!