On November 29 Control, the biggest game development community platform in the Benelux, will host its yearly Control Conference in Utrecht. Like previous years, an impressive cast of speakers will share their deep knowledge on all aspects of game development.
Confirmed speakers include Adriaan De Jongh (Hidden Folks, Bounden), Anisa Sanusi (HutchGames) and Roel Ezendam (RageSquid). There’s plenty more where that came from so make sure to sign up for the Control newsletter to get all the latest information.
But what about that discount you teased us with? Oh, right! Like previous years FLEGA was able to strike a nice deal with the fine folks over at Control. For the first time, we’re able to extend our exclusive 20% discount offer to every WALGA and screen.brussels member. Just enter the code FLEGACC2017 upon checkout, or buy your tickets through this link to get your discount.
You’re very welcome, and we hope to see the Belgian games industry there in full force.