Remember that school in Kortrijk that happens to be the best place to study game design and development? Twice (link in Dutch)? Well then, if you’re anxious to see what potential award-winning wizardry the students of Digital Arts & Entertainment have cooked up this year, Game Pitch Cafe is just the event for you.
Taking place on Wednesday June 19 in Kortrijk, the event will shine the spotlight on ten of the most promising student projects of graduates and sophomores. After presenting their game with a short five minute pitch, it’s possible to check out the games and get in touch with the students during an informal network drink.
On top of that, our very own David Verbruggen will very briefly outline the current state of affairs concerning the tax shelter, that’s been approved by the Belgian government earlier this year and two DAE Studios start-ups will present their business plans.
The full program looks a little like this:
- 18.00 Reception & game showcases
- 18.30 Welcome & introduction
- 18.40 Tax shelter for the game industry – next steps
- 18.45 10 five-minute pitches from DAE students
- 19.45 Business plan presentations of two DAE Studios start-ups
- 20.15 Reception & game showcases
It’s a free event and everyone, from fellow students and teachers over developers and publishers to investors or enthusiasts, is welcome, as long as you sign up. Hope to see you there!
Game Pitch Cafe is organised by DAE Studios and Digital Arts & Entertainment, with the valued support of Howest, Flanders DC, FLEGA and VAF/Gamefonds.