There’s something funny about language errors in video games. A spelling mistake won’t break your game of course, but it will stick out like a sore thumb and make you look a bit foolish.
Final Fantasy VII is one of the few legendary games that got away with piss poor translation. Unlike Squaresoft, it’s safe to say you won’t have the luxury of spending millions on marketing. So the least you can do is nail that grammar, right?
You can always hire a translator, but it’s not because you’re fluid in forty languages that you have a good understandig of video games. Enter new FLEGA family member Gameeleon, the games and apps localisation world of Ieper based translation agency Royal Translations. Their team consists of accomplished professional translators keen on gaming, new technologies and media that offer game developers a range of colourful translation and localisation services.
Their core business is translating all your game/app texts, whether that be in-game dialogue, menu screens, user manuals, marketing documents or press releases. If you’re looking for voice talent, they can also provide voice actor casting. You can also reach out to them to do a linguistic check-up of your game. Think of it as the debugging of your localisation, complete with a changelog in order to provide your players the best experience. They pay specific attention to platform compliance so you don’t ask people to agree with Steam’s TOS on your PS4 version.
Beacause you know, that will make you look even more like a fool.