Creative entrepreneurs have been hit hard by the ongoing coronacrisis. To provide extra support for Belgian creatives the lovely people at Flanders DC launched the online platform this week. The campaign urges people to make a deliberate choice for local, high quality creativity, and makes it really easy for potential clients to browse and Continue reading →
The efforts of the games industry to help contain coronavirus are widespread, but we’d like to ask for your help once more. Following the example of our UK colleagues, we think it’s a great idea to support the Flemish #ikredlevens awareness campaign (link in Dutch) by including key messages in our local video games. In Continue reading →
The world might have come to a crawl, but our proud member Sakari Games is firing on all cylinders. A mere three weeks after the release of Trailer Trashers there’s yet another game rolling off the assembly line today. Are you ready for Rover Wars? Just like their previous game, Rover Wars is best enjoyed Continue reading →